21 Days of Christmas GIVEAWAYS!


In the spirit of this giving season, I've decided to do a giveaway—of something from my studio—everyday for 21 days starting December 1st...tomorrow! That's right, I will be giving away 21 items from my studio to 21 lucky people.  Anything from paintings to prints to random things in my studio I feel like giving away. Interested? Then keep reading!

The giveaway will take place daily on Instagram starting December 1st, so if you're not on Instagram, get on it. It's free to join, and you'll be glad you did.  Follow me on Instagram here: @jenmeyerart

Everyday on Instagram I will post a picture of what the giveaway item is for that day, and all you have to do to enter each day is tag a friend on that post and you will be entered.  Simple and fun, and perfect for unique gift-giving, or just to give yourself a little something. 

See you on Instagram! :-)


Pictures of my studio...

My new studio space and apartment

So Tommy and I decided to downsize from a 2200 square foot house to an 800 sq ft apartment.  After two months of downsizing our furniture and stuff (hello craigslist and goodwill) -we actually did it!  It's nice to have everything at our finger tips and less to 'take care of' as far as having a big house goes.  We love our new apartment!  It's cozy, quiet, faster to find my phone when I loose it, and it's super bright being on the second floor.  While I originally thought we could share an office, that was just not gonna happen once I took the measurements. Our desks took up the whole room!  SO, I've rented out a small room right downtown for my studio space.  And I love it!  I'm getting used to the driving to work thing and packing a lunch.  But- getting out and having a dedicated space for work outside the house is allowing me to get more done in a concentrated way.  No more doing laundry and getting side tracked with house stuff.  No more yelling up the stairs to Tommy every five minutes and distracting him too.  Although I miss seeing Tommy whenever I please, it's good motivation to get things done while I'm at the studio. At first I was was kinda bummed to give up my big home studio, but leaving for work daily may just keep me a bit more sane and able to relate to others easier rather that burrowing at the house for days at a time and forgetting how to socialize.  Knowing that I can still burrow when needed AND come to the new studio most days, just feels good.  I'm looking forward to meeting other artists in the building and having my home be my relaxing and rejuvenating sanctuary and my work be my work sanctuary.  Time will tell which one prevails over the other, but for now I am enjoying both of my new spaces.

Here's some pics of the new studio:

downtown studio7Basically half the room is my desk and the other half is for painting.

Studio doggie included.  That's Wasabi under the desk.  He's our newly adopted doggie. Love hims.

downtown studio8A painting in progress that I started at the house.

downtown studio5All my 'stuff' fits and there's a nice big closet next to the door.

downtown studio4This is kinda a dark picture, but you get the idea.

downtown studio3Plenty of paints!

downtown studio1I just love this old radiator! It is so beautiful and gets SUPER hot!

Oh and did I mention I'm right over a Starbucks and an Indian shop.  So I smell coffee all day and incense in the afternoons!

Pics of the new apartment to come...